Everyone has
Always assumed
That I am
The strong one
I don’t need
In office
Late night parties
They would say
Can you please
Drop the girls home
And I would ask myself
How come no one wants
To drop me home
I am a girl too
So I got
Used to not
Letting on
How vulnerable I was
I shed copious tears
But always when
No one was looking
At some point
I began to believe
In this
Super-woman act
Weak moments
Were history
Always logical
Always dependable
Always dutiful
No one asked me
Where is the surge of love
The dalliance with feeling
The swell of emotion
There was too much of it
Going around anyway
This was uber cool
And suddenly you
Turn the tables on me and
Expect me to
Re-invent myself ?
At your own peril.
Perception is not just
How you see me
But also how I make you see me