You still hold it against me
That I did not feel the surge of maternal love
When I first held you in my arms
How could I
I was too busy
writing my job description as mother
I was a prime mover
There were no rules of the game
No, correction
There was one cardinal rule
Everything that my mother never was
The right strategy to slay the wrong emotion
I didn’t want to be a friend to you
I wanted to be a mother
Who could grow with you
I wanted to be that stylus
Which specialized in north-bound learning curves
Both yours and mine
I wanted to tell you
You don’t have to make mistakes
I have made them all
Just learn from them
But the marketplace is now different
As a marketer
My role is only of the prompter
Even as I pray that you don’t botch up the lines
Sometimes maybe I want you to forget your script
So I can play my role
Most times I’m too happy that
You are so word-perfect
And my marketer’s ego just wallows in having
Created, communicated, delivered value
That’s my daughter