i was in fourth standard
i wore my sunday best
my brightest smile
and when teachers asked why
i was not in uniform
i said
my mother died
word got around
like fruitflies
around a sore
pitiful glances
tut tut noises
i sat through it all
eyes looking down
so they missed the glint
it was too good to last
someone called up my dad
and everyone knew i lied
i was too young to tell them
that in wishing it
i was making it happen
for years thereafter
it was the biggest event
in my mother's life
remained the headline
anyone who came home
anywhere she went
she carried the story
hushed whispers followed me
even today it puzzles me
how come
no one ever asked her
why i wished
death on her
how come no one saw
that i was
sinned against
not sinning?